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20120315-Stossel-[Is it fair].Fox Business.CF.avi
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John Stossel Fox Business Network libertarian

Mar 17, 2012


STOSSEL - [Is It Fair...?] - Fox Business Network
2012, March 15, Thursday

Xvid/MP3 AVI - encoded from medium quality ReplayTV stream


[excerpted from John Stossel's blog:]

The President constantly talks about "fairness." In a recent speech in Kansas, President Obama mentioned fairness a dozen times. The NY Times said the President's message was, "...his most pointed appeal yet for a strong governmental role through tax and regulation to level the economic playing field."

Does a "strong governmental role" mean "fairness?"

Tonight, my guests discuss what "fair" means.

Stephen Moore responded to Obama with a fairness quiz. He joins us to discuss the fairness of things like the fact that 10 of the richest 15 counties that surround Washington, D.C. are now the riches counties in America.

Former George W. Bush's press secretary Dana Perino and Charles Goyette, author of the book Red and Blue and Broke All Over will discuss the growth of entitlements and the unfairness of younger, poorer people subsidizing care for old people like me.

Is it fair that poor families have to be stuck in bad government schools? Former D.C. school chancellor Michelle Rhee joins us.

Our government throws money at green energy companies. Solar-panel maker Solyndra was a small loss compared to other boondoggles. Koch Industries' Nancy Pfotenhauer will discuss the fairness of giving money to companies hand-picked by government, instead of growth through the market.

Finally, do you pay your fair share in taxes? Economist Art Laffer says the rich pay too much.


STOSSEL for 20120329 was a rebroadcast of his FNC special, "Stupid in America", about irrationality in the US education system, from last September. It's in the listings, way back, if you've not caught it. See you next week.

@pirateradiorocks2 Yeah, I dunno what to make of that exec. order. It's totally unnecessary in defense terms, contraindicated for a free society, and the perfect fodder for conspiracy theorists. Some nice such theorizing on this order can be found in the No Agenda Show #392.

My conspiracy's part of a long-term quiet alignment of "dominoes" of federal power poised to be tipped over to give justification to heavy-handed action against the people should ever an insurrection start.